Tuesday, September 7, 2010

WTF am I doing?

So here I am..after I swore to myself I wouldn't get wrapped up in social networking sites I have now had accounts starting with Myspace of course, to Facebook, an active Twitter..and now a blog. I guess this is where I let the world now know what I think about anything and everything. I have a lot of shit to say about random topics but for today I am just going to leave it at my introduction. My obsessions are with shopping ( I have a serious high heel fetish), the entertainment world, hip fucking hop, morbid shit like blood and guts, and lastly those creatures some refer to as "men". You won't find me wasting time talking about politics and world issue type bullshit cuz that just isn't my style. I can be superficial but who isn't? I'm just keeping it REAL. I hate liars and wankstas, I'm the sweetest girl you will ever meet but I will not hesitate to tell you your full of shit.

 I titled my blog page "Shiny Dirt" because I love the fascination this shallow ass world has with gossip. Just about any random topic can be glamorized by the media. If Perez Hilton can get famous talking shit about celebrities I sure as fuck am not going to hold back what I think about my own personal issues and the every day fuckery that goes on in the world.

So that's my introduction, hate it or love it biiiiiiitch!